Saturday, June 26, 2004

Untitled -------- I

3:14 pm / April 04

My head bowed in shame.
Even though, I wasn’t part
Of this sinister game.
I watched a handful degrade dozens,
I didn’t know where to look or
What should be my action?

My heart filled with anger.
Those who underwent such disgrace
Were merely our brothers!
Silently they suffered bouts
Of humiliation;
Openly they weren’t allowed
Any recognition.

My conscience cried.
When I saw what they did
Hurt my pride
They are not humans, only
Evil mongers
Who cared about none, blindly
Followed shallow ‘orders’
They say, they were not
To be blamed
Their reasoning inadequate, when
You see the bigger ‘picture’ – it
Sounds much lame!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

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