Wednesday, June 30, 2004

An unborn baby's letter to its mother :

Dear Mama,

When stars shine, remember me. When moon glows, remember me. Whenever you look up in the sky, remember that I am waiting for you to call upon me. Dearest mama, remember that even though I am inside you, I want to be cuddled in the same warmth as that of a baby born. My lovely mama, how can I convey my true feelings to you that never for one moment leave me unattended, even after my birth. I love you mama dearly for what you have done for me and I am not sure if I can ever repay you.

But mama, I am scared. I am afraid of being neglected. I don’t want to be ignored. I just want you to be by my side – everyday and every where. I am afraid of being left behind. I want to feel you. I want you to touch me and talk to me. I like it when you do so now, and believe me dear mama, I would love it when you’d continue doing it. Please, oh please mama, don’t leave me at somebody else’s doorsteps; don't leave me at some one else's mercy. Just hold me close like now, when I am much closer to you then anything else.

So mama, when you look up at the creations of God and admire them, remember that I, too, am a creation of God. So admire and look after me. With lots of love and affection mama, remember me.

Your Baby.

P.S. – I Love You!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z


Anonymous said...

hey a very nice attempt,keep it up and write as good as this

Anonymous said...

Hai this one is a cool piece of work..........keep it up.........i am expecting better ones from u in future....