Sunday, December 19, 2004

Have you ever tried to Tell the Truth ?

Have you ever tried to tell the truth?
It’s hard telling it, and
Much more difficult not saying it!
So, what to do?
Should you forget about it, or
Should you try uttering it?
What next then?
Give the truth a thought;
Is it worth saying, or
You can live without it?
Up next, try to be more practical;
Is the truth really a truth, and
Not merely a speculation?
Hmm, now that’s a
Confusing truth!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Saturday, December 11, 2004


Dark and Cold night
Shimmering in the moonlight
Waiting for you to appear
I waited for you, my dear !

No one, but no one else in your place
Is what my heart always says
Just you and me, together
Today, tomorrow and forever

But, time doesn't seem to be on my side
That's why my soul's acting so wild
Running in the cold
There's nothing that I could hold

Shivering in the cold night
I think again about the moonlight
Why is that it always appear
When there's nothing to remember, my dear ?

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Monday, November 08, 2004

Quotable Qoutes...

Life is like an unopened book; once opened always read !

There is no such thing as a Secret, had there been one - you wouldn't have cried infront of God asking for help without even uttering a word !

Life is a game - if you solve the middle you come out victorious.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Let Me Be

I am restless; curb me, please
I am senseless; fill me in
Barren thoughts; not a clue
Ever in dilemma; what to do?
Antagonistic; sometimes numb
Insatiable; quest for truth
Vague; all those views
Hardship; help me, please
Test; never at ease
Hope; always looking for
Heart; forever searching for
Tongue; mine displease
(So, forgive me please!)
Reaching; out to You
Working; to please You
O’ My Lord - hear my plea
Content - let me be!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Shivers ran down my spine !

When your heart beats faster
And you start trembling;
That, my brother, is a sign
From The One, of prosperity
And happiness in this world
And the next- sure brother,
You have chosen a path that’s
The very best. When you hear
His Name, you go down on your
Knees, you weep and moan, and
Seek repentance, ‘please oh
Please forgive me, my Lord, I am your
Servant and You are my Master;
You hold the key to my pleasure’
When you see signs of Him all
Around you, there are few things
You can do, praise Him for making
You such, and thank Him for
Blessing you with so much.
Remember, brother, this world
Will end unlike the ‘other one’;
Make sure you do the right thing
When you get the hint of
Shivers running down your spine.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Monday, July 19, 2004

The Blue Sky

9:30 p.m.

Gazing down upon us is the blue sky,
Whose companionship with the clouds;
Remind me of a brilliant expression.
The white and blue: signs of freedom;
The brightness: a hope of what’s yet to come.
But, the sky’s so high…and so are the clouds;
I don’t know why, but I am surrounded by doubts.
What if the price of freedom goes sky high?
And, what if, the hope turns into dismay?...

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Friday, July 02, 2004

Thank You

9:50 pm / 30-6-04

We are his pride, and
He is our strength;
We are incompetent
Without him, and
He is incomplete without
Any of us. We look upon him
As a source of inspiration, and
Learn from him anything
Of importance. It's true that
Words fall short to describe
The love and gratitude we feel
For him, but then we love him a lot,
And will always be indebted to him
For all that he has done for us.
So, dear Papa, thank you
For everything!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

An unborn baby's letter to its mother :

Dear Mama,

When stars shine, remember me. When moon glows, remember me. Whenever you look up in the sky, remember that I am waiting for you to call upon me. Dearest mama, remember that even though I am inside you, I want to be cuddled in the same warmth as that of a baby born. My lovely mama, how can I convey my true feelings to you that never for one moment leave me unattended, even after my birth. I love you mama dearly for what you have done for me and I am not sure if I can ever repay you.

But mama, I am scared. I am afraid of being neglected. I don’t want to be ignored. I just want you to be by my side – everyday and every where. I am afraid of being left behind. I want to feel you. I want you to touch me and talk to me. I like it when you do so now, and believe me dear mama, I would love it when you’d continue doing it. Please, oh please mama, don’t leave me at somebody else’s doorsteps; don't leave me at some one else's mercy. Just hold me close like now, when I am much closer to you then anything else.

So mama, when you look up at the creations of God and admire them, remember that I, too, am a creation of God. So admire and look after me. With lots of love and affection mama, remember me.

Your Baby.

P.S. – I Love You!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


4:20 pm / May 04

Too many thoughts
Not enough time;
Too many words
Each worth a dime;
Too much of laughter
Loosing out to sadness;
Too much of emotions
Ending up worthless;
So many options
Such less a time;
So many words
Broken each time;
Life- an empty promise,
Death- the ultimate disguise.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Untitled -------- I

3:14 pm / April 04

My head bowed in shame.
Even though, I wasn’t part
Of this sinister game.
I watched a handful degrade dozens,
I didn’t know where to look or
What should be my action?

My heart filled with anger.
Those who underwent such disgrace
Were merely our brothers!
Silently they suffered bouts
Of humiliation;
Openly they weren’t allowed
Any recognition.

My conscience cried.
When I saw what they did
Hurt my pride
They are not humans, only
Evil mongers
Who cared about none, blindly
Followed shallow ‘orders’
They say, they were not
To be blamed
Their reasoning inadequate, when
You see the bigger ‘picture’ – it
Sounds much lame!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Sunday, May 23, 2004

My Angel

So gentle, so calm;
The life of my angel
Is so very warm

So kind, so humbling;
The life of my angel
Is one such blessing

Such humility, such love;
The life of my angel
Is pure, as a dove

So fascinated are people;
Who meet my angel.
Such is my feeling;
It all gets tangled.

It’s my angel
Who looks after me,
And it’s none other
Then my mother!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Friday, May 21, 2004


Wishes are just wishes,
For some people are not insane.
They make some aspirations,
To let the world know they are not inane.
They may want to climb a mountain or
Cross a hurdle,
They might just hug an afflicted child
standing in the middle.

Wishes are just wishes,
They are not made to be broken.
They might be kept in the back yard,
But are never forgotten.

Wishes are just wishes
I wish to fly away
One day...
...Far away.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Monday, May 17, 2004

The Silent Truth - II

Tribulation – their fate,
Determination is innate.
Suggestions they make,
Putting lives at stake.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Whenever I See The Sky...

Whenever I see the sky
I see it is filled with the color of life;
Whenever I think about life
I feel a particular uncertainty to it;
Whenever I brood over the uncertainties
I skip my daily dose of freshness;
Whenever I stop to inhale the freshness
I am reminded of the gloom surrounding me;
Whenever I try to clear away that gloom
I am pushed down by the difficulties;
Whenever I put aside these difficulties
I am swept away by the never-ending questions;
Whenever I ponder over these questions
I look up high in the sky, and
Whenever I see the sky...

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

The Silent Truth - I

Many souls, least bothered
Lives lost, all bare.
Much chaos, no comfort
A hell, no care.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z