Thursday, August 24, 2006

I couldn't take my eyes off his face...

This image reminded me of a poem I wrote ages ago:

Many souls, least bothered
Lives lost, all bare;
Much chaos, no comfort
A hell, no care...

Some may opine that this image is nothing but an advertising gimmick...or perhaps it is not; It really is true! What if the child, the innocent victim caught in a bloody 'situation', is as real as you and me...? Whatever the case might be - I just couldn't take my eyes off this boy's face...


Rhythmic Explosion said...

Subhanallah. May Allah shower His mercy upon the Ummah of Rasulullah (S)

And secondly...I swear I get lost in ur realm of words... your writing is amazingly beautiful mashallah. Excellent poem and description (mashallah)

A.Z. said...

..that coming from an ace writer herself, mashaAllah ! jazakAllah khair :)


Anonymous said...

mashallah the way you craft your work is COOL mashallah, keep it up, maybe some day you will be an inspiration to soo many.

ameen to dua;s and may allah protect all children and muslims ameen ya rab al alameen

Anonymous said...

I concur with the sisters that you have a way with words...its a special gift to be able to write in such a manner that the reader not just reads what u r writing but feels your emotions too.
My comment on the subject at hand is that it would be a very cynical person who would look upon that picture and remain immune to it, and dismiss it as a marketing gimmick. It however is a cynical world we live in, hence a lot of people are now immune to images of human suffering, be it a child. I think we are in a time where mankind is oblivious to the world around us, and if not, we choose to ignore it and dismiss the sufferings as not our problem, our conscience has taken a back seat...and the material world has gained precedence over all else. I am guilty of that too, but its people like AZ who arouse our morality from the slumber its in.
Mustafa I. Ahmed