Thursday, August 24, 2006

I couldn't take my eyes off his face...

This image reminded me of a poem I wrote ages ago:

Many souls, least bothered
Lives lost, all bare;
Much chaos, no comfort
A hell, no care...

Some may opine that this image is nothing but an advertising gimmick...or perhaps it is not; It really is true! What if the child, the innocent victim caught in a bloody 'situation', is as real as you and me...? Whatever the case might be - I just couldn't take my eyes off this boy's face...

Friday, August 18, 2006

One Dreadful World !

How many of us have experienced dread?

No, am not talking about those part time, small phobias; what I am referring to is the actual experience of you-may-not-stay-alive-for-long ordeal and the real fear of losing your life in a way you never thought you would or for that matter, your loved one’s.

Does the above make sense?

If yes, then you’re one of those handfuls who try to read in between the lines and try to make sense out of the real world. If no, then what can I say?! It’s the way you are, that shapes up your thoughts. Look around yourself and you’ll see – so much of injustice, so much of antagonism, so much of blood…and so much of dread…just plain so much of everything…!

Now you know what am talking about?

I’ve been thinking and thinking [no, I can’t stop the thinking process because I simply can’t!!], so I’ve been thinking about what’s happening in the world. We have the Super Power[s] eating up the Not-So-Big-Powers and the result is chaos. A big, huge, gigantic air of chaos. When anyone tries to clear away that chaotic atmosphere, he’s stopped, either directly or in a not-so-direct-way. So, now we have this atmosphere of utter confusion, where you are even afraid to talk to your own shadow [out of the fear that it may silence you…], and when you’re afraid, you’re at your lowest best. When your inner core’s shaken, you’re a prime target for the opposition who don’t really approve of your oh-so-unlike-our-ways. They target you, torture you subtly and if that doesn’t work, openly. And that’s when the real dread begins – not knowing when your life will come to an end.


Who wouldn’t be in an atmosphere filled with dread, but do you know what you’re going through when you’re actually experiencing the ordeal…

Know what I mean?

Those caught in the real dread don’t worry as much [and in some cases, not at all] about themselves, as much as they do about their loved ones. Family, friends and acquaintances – built from years of tender, love, and care…broken in a minute of mindless mayhem. And sometimes it takes less than a fraction of a second for the whole building to come down; collapse in front of your eyes. Millions, in fact countless number of people have lost their lives to bloody destruction. Annihilation in the name of some good-ol’- T. People who are gone, dead, are free from the worldly fears. People who are left behind continue to live in dread…what if it’s me next? Doesn’t that ricochet in your mind? The thought of what if you get caught in the world of mindless mayhem churn your stomach and fill you with dread?

Got it?

Welcome to the world filled with dread - been so for innumerable years and will be for many years to come. Enjoy your experiences, while they last, in this one 'dreadful' world.

Monday, August 14, 2006

What would you do...?

What do you see,
When you look at me?
Walking on boiling sand,
Bubbles burst on my hands…

What would you do,
When out of the blue
“Shells” surround you
And bruise every part of you?

Where will you run,
When all of a sudden
You realize you’re all alone
Under the blazing sun…?

Where will you hide,
When your home, your pride,
Everything’s destroyed before your eyes
And you stand all numb, unable to decide…?

Can you comprehend,
What it’s like to live on a land
That is cut off from the world?
Caught in mindless destruction,
Lives lost to inane stand…!

Do you realize
That the 24/7 rocket rain
Brings nothing but
More destruction and pain?

If you do know,
Then what would you do
If in my place,
It was you…?