Sunday, February 13, 2005

' With us or Against us...'

What is the quickest way of disintegrating someone's beliefs ?
Attack his honor and dignity...
How to carry it out ?
...Attack the lady of his house,
Ermm...what if we face resistance ?
Crush it, either by hook or by crook
Any alternative ?
Yea..feed him your stuff, coax him into listening to you - deal softly and then strike when the iron's hot, if not then just overpower him with might ...he's bound to listen to you and follow you like a pooch
What about the 'friendly neighbors', think they'll be of any help ? an extent perhaps, funny how some of them are still staunch believers at heart....such ninnies ! so much for secularism, uh !
But, Sam, What about the whole 'community', won't they come to know about this offensive?
What offensive are u talking about ?? we are doing this for our own betterment, Brit... you are with us or against us, that's what matters..As for the 'community', don't worry, they are just puppets waiting for the strings to be drawn !
Is it so ?
Yea, mate...proven time and again !

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whilst reading this post i had a visual of Tony Blair in diapers..and George Bush cradling him in his arms feeding him milk from a baby bottle. Why you ask? Blair is always splurting out from his mouth what he's been spoon fed by Bush. I guess that also makes him an American puppet. Try imagining the visual..its funny.
Mustafa I. Ahmed