Saturday, November 12, 2005

Untitled III

I saw my face reflected
In the puddle
It’s snowing now; I look up-
Death’s all over the rubble

Eid went by without
My mother and father,
My eyes dried up- no tears
Even for my big brother

They gave me few
Books and a pen,
School’s starting, they
Told me- all over again

My new best friend
Died yesterday,
Injured- he lost the battle
With life, yesterday

How will I focus, now?
How will I study?
A beginning, so soon
But am not yet ready…

I see an orange ball setting
Down the horizon,
I see rays of hope
Emitting from the sun…

No days are passed by
Without us being tested,
God’s Great- no doubt, He has
Better Plans (for us) invested

Forgive me, my Lord
I am all but five,
Fighting with death- an
Ordeal did I survive?...

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Untitled - I

Where is my mother ?
I haven't seen her
inthe last few days,
I am all surroundedby haze...
I cannot find her,
gone- she is they told me,
she may be lost forever...

where's my father ?
we've not been to
the prayers together-
so long...I miss him, too
it's so cold out here
and am all black & blue...

where's my brother ?
we haven't played
for so long -
I miss sleeping with him...
to another World
doeshe too belong ?

No family I have now,
am all on my own...
am scared to death now
the childhood, I have
not outgrown...
I only wish they were with me..
God- Help me please..
make me at peace
with the pain from now on...

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Untitled - II

No one to look after
me - am all alone
I do have a caretaker,
but no one of my own
I step out when
the rain stops
and look around
'til my eyelid drops
I am out all night and day
don't know for how
long is my stay
no laughter there
is left now
only cries of pain,
hollow faces stare
at you now-
asking for help all again...

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Who am I ?

I read this somewhere, about a girl
Who grew up too soon and time just passed by;
She knew not of the years that affected the outside
But her world stood built on the echoes of who am I?
She’d get up early in the mornings in search of peace
And ask questions from anybody who’d caught her eye.
Once, she dreamt about a Code- that changed her life;
She woke up breathless and bewildered, ‘my, o’ my!’
She uttered, ‘what was that; a key to all my questions?
Was it me or the whole world that I saw deceive and lie?’
Now she had a key that could answer her inquisitive mind,
She prayed for tranquility- for a source that could satisfy.
She had the Code with her, and she never realized
And now that she did, she kissed others good-bye!
She immersed herself in knowing the Truth, seeking
To quench her thirst for good, to know the real ‘I’;
She was on a road to self healing with the Help from
The One- she’d soon have answers for ‘how’ and ‘why’.
She learnt about her origin and her humble beginning;
It was common to all, the forte of the Most High.
It’s His Concern to whom He Wishes to give and take away
From another; ask Him and He may even give you the sky!
She read, and read- tears streaming down her cheeks,
She clenched the Code tightly, and heaved a sigh.

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Monday, May 30, 2005


I've henna on my hand,
The design like a fertile land
Leaves a fulfilled impression;
My palm tingles with an expression
Of joy and a childish glee-
Is it the red henna or the inner me
Smelling sweet like flowers bloomed,
Down goes worries and out the gloom.
The henna is in its full splendor,
Displaying the vivid dark color
For me to inhale the merriment-
This henna is filled with contentment.

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Past Revisited...

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Whenever I see the sky
I see it is filled with the color of life;
Whenever I think about life
I feel a particular uncertainty to it;
Whenever I brood over the uncertainties
I skip my daily dose of freshness;
Whenever I stop to inhale the freshness
I am reminded of the gloom surrounding me;
Whenever I try to clear away that gloom
I am pushed down by the difficulties;
Whenever I put aside these difficulties
I am swept away by the never-ending questions;
Whenever I ponder over these questions
I look up high in the sky, and
Whenever I see the sky...

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I know I am beautiful...

9:36 am

I know I am beautiful, ‘cause
My beauty comes from within.
I don’t need to dress up to kill;
Neither show any of my skin.
What is hidden, remains so
What can’t be – remains unseen.
I am neither backward nor am I
Suppressed- I am immune to fallin’
Into acts of human disgrace.
What’s been labeled freedom-
For me it’s a step back in
Time; women were treated
As inferior to men and nothin’
Has changed for the tainted minds. Come
On ladies, show your worth, endin’
Years of society’s desperate attempts.
What I said, I stand by it – spreadin’
All over the Truth. So, pay an ear to
This, as what’s been said is nothin’
But the noble Words of your Lord;
Covering up is one such thing
We, womenfolk, should follow;
It safeguards our honor, keepin’
Corrupted ones away. Alhamdulillah –
All praise to Allah, The All- Knowing
One; He created us all as one
And equal human beings.

12:44 pm

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Sunday, February 20, 2005

...My Diary Says...

An eye for an eye
Is what they say;
An eye for an eye
Some might obey;
An eye for an eye
Is a tragedy;
An eye for an eye -
Alas, is here to stay !

[ October '04 ]

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

I am a Bird...

I am a bird, hear me fly
High above you, up in the sky
Look at not my wings but my speed
Embodying courage, I am free indeed !

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Sunday, February 13, 2005

' With us or Against us...'

What is the quickest way of disintegrating someone's beliefs ?
Attack his honor and dignity...
How to carry it out ?
...Attack the lady of his house,
Ermm...what if we face resistance ?
Crush it, either by hook or by crook
Any alternative ?
Yea..feed him your stuff, coax him into listening to you - deal softly and then strike when the iron's hot, if not then just overpower him with might ...he's bound to listen to you and follow you like a pooch
What about the 'friendly neighbors', think they'll be of any help ? an extent perhaps, funny how some of them are still staunch believers at heart....such ninnies ! so much for secularism, uh !
But, Sam, What about the whole 'community', won't they come to know about this offensive?
What offensive are u talking about ?? we are doing this for our own betterment, Brit... you are with us or against us, that's what matters..As for the 'community', don't worry, they are just puppets waiting for the strings to be drawn !
Is it so ?
Yea, mate...proven time and again !

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

From My Diary...

[April '04]

Waiting in the dark
waiting forever;

Praying fervently
Praying forver;

Asking for love,
Asking for mercy,
Asking forgiveness
From God - The Eternal !

Copyright ©2005 A_Z

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Nature's Fury...

Nature's fury:
Scorned over me
Lashing at me
Weakening me
Destroying me...

Nature's anger:
Hath no answer
Chaos forever -
Creating disorder.

Copyright ©2005 A_Z