Saturday, November 12, 2005

Untitled III

I saw my face reflected
In the puddle
It’s snowing now; I look up-
Death’s all over the rubble

Eid went by without
My mother and father,
My eyes dried up- no tears
Even for my big brother

They gave me few
Books and a pen,
School’s starting, they
Told me- all over again

My new best friend
Died yesterday,
Injured- he lost the battle
With life, yesterday

How will I focus, now?
How will I study?
A beginning, so soon
But am not yet ready…

I see an orange ball setting
Down the horizon,
I see rays of hope
Emitting from the sun…

No days are passed by
Without us being tested,
God’s Great- no doubt, He has
Better Plans (for us) invested

Forgive me, my Lord
I am all but five,
Fighting with death- an
Ordeal did I survive?...

Copyright ©2005 A_Z