Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Shivers ran down my spine !

When your heart beats faster
And you start trembling;
That, my brother, is a sign
From The One, of prosperity
And happiness in this world
And the next- sure brother,
You have chosen a path that’s
The very best. When you hear
His Name, you go down on your
Knees, you weep and moan, and
Seek repentance, ‘please oh
Please forgive me, my Lord, I am your
Servant and You are my Master;
You hold the key to my pleasure’
When you see signs of Him all
Around you, there are few things
You can do, praise Him for making
You such, and thank Him for
Blessing you with so much.
Remember, brother, this world
Will end unlike the ‘other one’;
Make sure you do the right thing
When you get the hint of
Shivers running down your spine.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z