Sunday, May 23, 2004

My Angel

So gentle, so calm;
The life of my angel
Is so very warm

So kind, so humbling;
The life of my angel
Is one such blessing

Such humility, such love;
The life of my angel
Is pure, as a dove

So fascinated are people;
Who meet my angel.
Such is my feeling;
It all gets tangled.

It’s my angel
Who looks after me,
And it’s none other
Then my mother!

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Friday, May 21, 2004


Wishes are just wishes,
For some people are not insane.
They make some aspirations,
To let the world know they are not inane.
They may want to climb a mountain or
Cross a hurdle,
They might just hug an afflicted child
standing in the middle.

Wishes are just wishes,
They are not made to be broken.
They might be kept in the back yard,
But are never forgotten.

Wishes are just wishes
I wish to fly away
One day...
...Far away.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Monday, May 17, 2004

The Silent Truth - II

Tribulation – their fate,
Determination is innate.
Suggestions they make,
Putting lives at stake.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

Whenever I See The Sky...

Whenever I see the sky
I see it is filled with the color of life;
Whenever I think about life
I feel a particular uncertainty to it;
Whenever I brood over the uncertainties
I skip my daily dose of freshness;
Whenever I stop to inhale the freshness
I am reminded of the gloom surrounding me;
Whenever I try to clear away that gloom
I am pushed down by the difficulties;
Whenever I put aside these difficulties
I am swept away by the never-ending questions;
Whenever I ponder over these questions
I look up high in the sky, and
Whenever I see the sky...

Copyright ©2004 A_Z

The Silent Truth - I

Many souls, least bothered
Lives lost, all bare.
Much chaos, no comfort
A hell, no care.

Copyright ©2004 A_Z